
Blogs of a SAHM ... News articles and discussions that are relevant to the stay-at-home parent ... Joys and challenges of the hardest and most rewarding 24/7 job there is

Friday, July 29, 2005

Back and Missing My Mom

I'm back! It's nice to have internet access at home again. I had to catch up with a LOT of emails and stuff. I'm getting there, slowly and surely.

As I'm writing this, my mom is nearing the end of a loooong flight back to the home country. She left my house more than 24 hours ago, and, due to plane delays, still has to set foot on her own home. I just wish for the trip to be over, because I can imagine how tired she must be.

My son and I came back from the airport yesterday, and the house seemed much quieter than usual. No sewing machine running in the extra room. Just me and my son again until hubby comes home from work. I realized how much I'm missing, being so far away from my parents. Ma and I had lots of bonding time over morning bagels and coffee. We also enjoyed each other's hobbies... I was even able to infect her with the scrapbooking bug! :D

I will miss having lunch with her. Some people told me before that having my mom here would mean that I'll be able to enjoy homemade meals "just like mom used to make". Actually, I really enjoyed the chance to cook for her. And I would dare to say that she's given her seal of approval in that department, which means a lot to me. Hers is the standard I've set long ago for my own cooking.

For a while, there were two moms at home here. It's been a wonderful time, not just for me, but for my hubby and our son as well. My mom has recharged me with her love and warmth. I already miss her, but I know she'll be back, long flight not withstanding. Right, Ma? ;)


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