
Blogs of a SAHM ... News articles and discussions that are relevant to the stay-at-home parent ... Joys and challenges of the hardest and most rewarding 24/7 job there is

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Be a SAHM in 6 Months

Want to be a SAHM but don't know how to go about it?

The ideas in Scott Danger's "A 6 Month Stay-at-Home Mom Plan" might help you start planning the transition. Although for most cases, 6 months may not be enough to complete all the steps in the plan, it's a good guide to the decision-making process. Scott focuses on the financial aspect of the decision, since this seems to be the primary deterrent for many families. The first step of his plan is determining that being a SAHM is what you and your spouse really want. The rest of the steps involve budget issues, finding supplemental income as needed, and finally, making the change.

This plan is more of a general guideline. Specific areas such as how to find that supplemental income are not discussed. However, it is a good outline to follow toward one's goal of being a SAHM (or SAHD).

If you’re looking for an easy answer to staying at home, this isn’t it. But if you’re willing to work hard and make some trade-offs, staying home with your kids can become a reality.


  • At 3:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    when i read this article, something he said struck me - that one can be a SAHM and still be earning. he suggests getting a second job (either working from home, or babysitting another child) to supplement income from the full-time working spouse. this second income though is treated as a "job not a career". SO in all honesty i can now call myself a SAHM with a part time job :-)...



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