
Blogs of a SAHM ... News articles and discussions that are relevant to the stay-at-home parent ... Joys and challenges of the hardest and most rewarding 24/7 job there is

Monday, May 23, 2005

The grass is greener, or is it?

I had to laugh when I read this article by Kristi Gustafson in the Casper Star Tribune. The title of the article is "Working moms, stay-at-home moms envy each other". It was like an answer to what I wrote in a previous post, about SAHM's wondering whether WOTH moms have it better, and vice versa. Apparently, there are a lot of similarities:

Experts say the stresses of motherhood are further complicated by a common belief among women that other mothers are better off financially, have well-behaved children, stronger marriages and look more put together. But they are more alike than they may think.

As I said before, it's human nature. Frankly, I'm a little relieved that I'm not the only one who doesn't have it all "put together", stay-at-home or not.


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