
Blogs of a SAHM ... News articles and discussions that are relevant to the stay-at-home parent ... Joys and challenges of the hardest and most rewarding 24/7 job there is

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Entertaining baby

One of the challenges about staying at home with a toddler is the question of entertainment and stimulation. In a daycare setting, lots of toys and other kids are available to provide interaction. When you're at home, you're the only playmate (unless you have other kids, which in my case, is not so) . My baby frequently wants to play with me or at least to be in the vicinity of my legs... whether it's the kitchen or laundry area, it doesn't matter. After all, unless we go to my ILs, I'm the only one he's with for the whole day. So, I'm challenged at times to come up with ways to keep him out of the kitchen cabinets, which seem to be a magnet for his curious mind.

Here are some ways I've coped:
  • Give him those credit cards that come in the mail. They're plastic, have rounded edges, and can't go through a toilet paper roll. Let them serve some function by keeping him occupied. They're easy to slide around and can be stacked like a deck of cards.
  • When we can't go outside, I open the patio door to let him see and hear outdoor sounds. If it's raining, it's even better. He can watch and listen to the rain falling on the deck, all the while staying safe and sound in his playpen. He even talks back to the pitter patter of the raindrops.
  • Let him play with the big bottles that apple juice comes in. It's best of some juice is still left inside so he can shake it around.
  • Give him a photo album with some photos in it. He thinks it's a regular book and is thrilled to see familiar faces.

Other than ply more toys and turn on the TV, what do you do to keep your baby occupied and happy?


  • At 8:26 AM, Blogger Misis14 said…

    bebe s plays with our junk mails, plastic yogourt tubs and water jugs. if i'm in the laundry room, i let her touch the wet and dry clothes and explain to her the difference. she enjoys touching different textures...cotton, wool, silk. i sing and dance with her...from hagibis/yoyoy villame to britney spears...and if i need to work..i switch on the tv/dvd so she can baby einstein. :-) she likes photo albums, too..and Ball is the greatest toy for babies/toddlers.

  • At 8:27 AM, Blogger Misis14 said…

    pahabol....babies/toddlers don't need expensive toys...only creative moms..;-)

  • At 11:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I just ended up on your website. I wanted to let you know that I admire you for staying home. I work in the daycare industry, and it is an awful place for little ones to be.
    THe place i work at is exceptional, (we love our kids to death, well figurativly speaking. )
    the center is small and the children are well taken care of.
    well I just wanted to encourage you on being a stay at home mom.
    horray and good for you.

  • At 10:58 PM, Blogger Jadevine said…

    to my anonymous reader, thank you for the encouragement. much appreciated. :)


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