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Monday, August 22, 2005

Graham Cracker Bear: A Portrait of My Life

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I found this half-eaten graham cracker under the door to the basement. This is how my life has so changed. I never would have had this happen before. Now, I find it and I smile.

J has discovered the joy of hiding things. I never saw him slip this under the door. But there it is, evidence of where he's been and what he's been doing. I wonder what was going through his mind. He likes graham crackers, so why leave this particular one half-finished? He slips it under, thinks it's gone forever and goes on to the next interesting activity.

Meanwhile, I, his mom, go about my day, not knowing that there would be a little surprise for me right there.

It's only a graham cracker shaped like a bear. But I find joy and amusement in it. It's a portrait of my life now. How it has changed. How it's been blessed. How the most insignificant things forever become precious to me.


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