
Blogs of a SAHM ... News articles and discussions that are relevant to the stay-at-home parent ... Joys and challenges of the hardest and most rewarding 24/7 job there is

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Finding My Niche

When I was working in the lab, I knew exactly what was expected of me. I knew what I was going to do tomorrow, next week, next month, and to some degree, next year. I knew the tools I would use, the protocols I would read, the output I was looking for.

In contrast, these past months of being a SAHM have been a bit of a whirlwind of sorts. My first goals after resigning my job was to get into a rhythm at home, find my own schedule for doing things, and settle any doubts I may have had about the decision we made. After that, there was a time when I got tired of endless chores, and wanted to regain a bit of that "outside world" identity. But what was I to do? I couldn't go back to the lab, and I didn't really want to.

Then came blogging. I started simply because a lot of my online friends had blogs, and I thought it was a cool thing. I put up my personal blog, but I soon realized I'm not much of a chatterbox when it came to everyday events in my own and my family's life. I was (still am) reluctant to share details of our life with total strangers. OK, I admit it, I'm a little scared of the nuts and weirdos out there (Who knows what they'll do with the information they get from personal blogs?). That may be a bit paranoid, but still... Maybe I'm just a private person, that's all. But at any rate, the entries on my personal blog petered out.

And then I was introduced to niche blogging. Hey, I could do this, I thought. Long and short of the story is, I believe I've found a little niche I could fill in this world, with the comfort and flexibility of staying at home. Hosting both this blog and AboutWeblog's Housekeeping and Homemaking Blog has given my writing some purpose. It's a minor identity, to be sure, but it's a part of me. I have something to say, and I'm glad for the chance to say it.


  • At 8:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hello to YOU,

    Congradulations on starting Your blog and then finding You own niche where You can contribute! You know, there are a lot of nice people out there too who would enjoy communicating with You and learning from You!

    I wish You and Your family many blessings and great success in all You do!

  • At 11:54 PM, Blogger Jadevine said…

    Thank you. I'd like to communicate with the "nice people" and learn from them too. :)


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